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Relance du lot 3 : Fourniture de polos pour les agents de la police municipale de la Ville de Cannes

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This tender with title Relance du lot 3 : Fourniture de polos pour les agents de la police municipale de la Ville de Cannes -- Relaunch of lot 3: Supply of polo shirts for the municipal police officers of the City of Cannes has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 02 Aug 2021 for the country of France. It has been categorized on T-shirts and shirts & Polo shirts & Shirts. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Relaunch of lot 3: Supply of polo shirts for the municipal police officers of the City of Cannes

General Information

Relance du lot 3 : Fourniture de polos pour les agents de la police municipale de la Ville de Cannes
Relaunch of lot 3: Supply of polo shirts for the municipal police officers of the City of Cannes
Invitation for Bids
2 Aug 2021
T-shirts and shirts , Polo shirts , Shirts

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