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Construccion encarpetado y obras complementarias cz. dalence y c. maldonado zona final alcoreza villa nuevo potosi

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This tender with title Construccion encarpetado y obras complementarias cz. dalence y c. maldonado zona final alcoreza villa nuevo potosi -- Construccion cladding and complementary works cz. dalence and c. maldonado final zone alcoreza villa nuevo potosi has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Jul 2021 for the country of Bolivia. It has been categorized on Cladding & Cladding works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Construccion cladding and complementary works cz. dalence and c. maldonado final zone alcoreza villa nuevo potosi

General Information

Construccion encarpetado y obras complementarias cz. dalence y c. maldonado zona final alcoreza villa nuevo potosi
Construccion cladding and complementary works cz. dalence and c. maldonado final zone alcoreza villa nuevo potosi
Invitation to Tender
19 Jul 2021
Cladding , Cladding works

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