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Contract Award - - B15-20 - Adquisición de Tanques de oxigeno de 200 lbs con manómetro para la Comarca Embera, Guna Yala, Madugandi, Ngobe Bugle y Territorio Bugle - OP00137626

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This tender with title Contract Award - - B15-20 - Adquisición de Tanques de oxigeno de 200 lbs con manómetro para la Comarca Embera, Guna Yala, Madugandi, Ngobe Bugle y Territorio Bugle - OP00137626 -- - B15-20 - Acquisition of 200-pound oxygen tanks with manometer for the Embera Comarca, Guna Yala, Madugandi, Ngobe Bugle and Bugle Territory has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 17 Jul 2021 for the country of Panama. It has been categorized on Manometers & Tanks & Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page. - B15-20 - Acquisition of 200-pound oxygen tanks with manometer for the Embera Comarca, Guna Yala, Madugandi, Ngobe Bugle and Bugle Territory

General Information

Contract Award - - B15-20 - Adquisición de Tanques de oxigeno de 200 lbs con manómetro para la Comarca Embera, Guna Yala, Madugandi, Ngobe Bugle y Territorio Bugle - OP00137626 - B15-20 - Acquisition of 200-pound oxygen tanks with manometer for the Embera Comarca, Guna Yala, Madugandi, Ngobe Bugle and Bugle Territory
Contract Award
17 Jul 2021
Manometers , Tanks , Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels

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