This tender with title Salyan Suvarma Sistemləri İdarəsinin balansında olan 4 ədəd, “2 aqreqatlı Kürkənd üzən nasos stansiyasının (gövdəsinin alt hissəsinin, çıxış borularının, şar birləşmələrinin, mexaniki avadanlıqlarının və elektrik təsərrüfatının) təmiri”, “Akuşa-2 nasos stansiyasında suaparıcı kanalın və qəbul hovuzunun təmiri”, “Torpaq məcralı “Ş” kanalının və üzərindəki qurğuların təmiri” və “1 aqreqatlı Yeni Muğan tərpənməz nasos stansiyasının (bina, giriş və çıxış boruları, nasos, elektrik təsərrüfatı və s.) təmiri” üzrə layihə-smeta sənədlərinin hazırlanması işlərinin satın alınması -- 4 units on the balance of Salyan Irrigation Systems Department, “Repair of 2 aggregate Kurkand floating pump station (lower body, outlet pipes, balloon joints, mechanical equipment and electrical facilities)”, “Repair of water channel and receiving pool at Akusha-2 pumping station”, Procurement of design and estimate documentation works on “Repair of ground channel“ Sh ”channel and facilities on it” and “Repair of 1 unit Yeni Mugan stationary pumping station (building, inlet and outlet pipes, pump, electrical facilities, etc.)” has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 Jul 2021 for the country of Azerbaijan. It has been categorized on Repair and maintenance services & Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment & Various pipe fittings & Documentation services & Aggregates & Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations & Construction work for water and sewage pipelines & Pipes & Gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggregates & Balloons & Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts & Pumps & Pumping station construction work & Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations & Pipe joints & Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations & Construction work for swimming pool & Repair and maintenance services of pumps & Overhaul and refurbishment work & Dredging and pumping works & Irrigation channel construction work & Pipes and fittings & Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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