
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Ortho-Clinic VİTROS 3600, Quanta System CYBER TM, GMM OPERA G 650IQ, GE Vivid S60, Ortho-Clinic Ortho workstation, KARL STORZ, Dornier, İnstrumetation Laboratory, GE Avance, GE LOGIQ S8 və.s markalı Tibbi avadanlıqlara (il ərzində) texniki servis xidmətinin satınalınması

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Ortho-Clinic VİTROS 3600, Quanta System CYBER TM, GMM OPERA G 650IQ, GE Vivid S60, Ortho-Clinic Ortho workstation, KARL STORZ, Dornier, İnstrumetation Laboratory, GE Avance, GE LOGIQ S8 və.s markalı Tibbi avadanlıqlara (il ərzində) texniki servis xidmətinin satınalınması -- Ortho-Clinic VITROS 3600, Quanta System CYBERTM, GMM OPERA G 650IQ, GE Vivid S60, Ortho-Clinic Ortho workstation, KARL STORZ, Dornier, Instrumetation Laboratory, GE Avance, GE LOGIQ S8 etc. purchase of technical service has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 12 Jul 2021 for the country of Azerbaijan. It has been categorized on Workstations & Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) & Technical services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Ortho-Clinic VITROS 3600, Quanta System CYBERTM, GMM OPERA G 650IQ, GE Vivid S60, Ortho-Clinic Ortho workstation, KARL STORZ, Dornier, Instrumetation Laboratory, GE Avance, GE LOGIQ S8 etc. purchase of technical service

General Information

Ortho-Clinic VİTROS 3600, Quanta System CYBER TM, GMM OPERA G 650IQ, GE Vivid S60, Ortho-Clinic Ortho workstation, KARL STORZ, Dornier, İnstrumetation Laboratory, GE Avance, GE LOGIQ S8 və.s markalı Tibbi avadanlıqlara (il ərzində) texniki servis xidmətinin satınalınması
Ortho-Clinic VITROS 3600, Quanta System CYBERTM, GMM OPERA G 650IQ, GE Vivid S60, Ortho-Clinic Ortho workstation, KARL STORZ, Dornier, Instrumetation Laboratory, GE Avance, GE LOGIQ S8 etc. purchase of technical service
Invitation to Tender
12 Jul 2021
Workstations , Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) , Technical services

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