Biaya Perencanaan Pemeliharaan Gedung dan bangunan untuk Tempat Parkir, Pos Satpam, Ruang Istirahat, Asrama Kamboja, Asrama Flamboyan, Asrama Aglonema, Kantor, Gedung Serbaguna, Pavingisasi halaman dan Taman pada UPT PSTW Blitar di Blitar
This tender with title Biaya Perencanaan Pemeliharaan Gedung dan bangunan untuk Tempat Parkir, Pos Satpam, Ruang Istirahat, Asrama Kamboja, Asrama Flamboyan, Asrama Aglonema, Kantor, Gedung Serbaguna, Pavingisasi halaman dan Taman pada UPT PSTW Blitar di Blitar --
Building and building maintenance planning costs for Parking lots, Security Posts, Rest Rooms, Cambodian Dormitory, Flamboyant Dormitory, Aglonema Dormitory, Office, Multipurpose Building, Paving of the yard and garden at UPT PSTW Blitar in Blitar
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 Jul 2021 for the country of Indonesia. It has been categorized on Overhaul and refurbishment work & Laying of paving & Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services & Car park building construction work & Parking lot construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
Building and building maintenance planning costs for Parking lots, Security Posts, Rest Rooms, Cambodian Dormitory, Flamboyant Dormitory, Aglonema Dormitory, Office, Multipurpose Building, Paving of the yard and garden at UPT PSTW Blitar in Blitar
Biaya Perencanaan Pemeliharaan Gedung dan bangunan untuk Tempat Parkir, Pos Satpam, Ruang Istirahat, Asrama Kamboja, Asrama Flamboyan, Asrama Aglonema, Kantor, Gedung Serbaguna, Pavingisasi halaman dan Taman pada UPT PSTW Blitar di Blitar
Building and building maintenance planning costs for Parking lots, Security Posts, Rest Rooms, Cambodian Dormitory, Flamboyant Dormitory, Aglonema Dormitory, Office, Multipurpose Building, Paving of the yard and garden at UPT PSTW Blitar in Blitar
Invitation for Bids
1 Jul 2021
Overhaul and refurbishment work , Laying of paving , Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services , Car park building construction work , Parking lot construction work
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