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Оказание услуг по текущему ремонту перфузоров Space в количестве 29 штук и выполнение работ по замене запчастей для нужд НИИ кардиологии Томского НИМЦ

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This tender with title Оказание услуг по текущему ремонту перфузоров Space в количестве 29 штук и выполнение работ по замене запчастей для нужд НИИ кардиологии Томского НИМЦ -- Provision of services for the current repair of Space perfusers in the amount of 29 pieces and the implementation of work on the replacement of spare parts for the needs of the Research Institute of Cardiology of the Tomsk Scientific Research Center has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 Jun 2021 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Fusers. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Provision of services for the current repair of Space perfusers in the amount of 29 pieces and the implementation of work on the replacement of spare parts for the needs of the Research Institute of Cardiology of the Tomsk Scientific Research Center

General Information

Оказание услуг по текущему ремонту перфузоров Space в количестве 29 штук и выполнение работ по замене запчастей для нужд НИИ кардиологии Томского НИМЦ
Provision of services for the current repair of Space perfusers in the amount of 29 pieces and the implementation of work on the replacement of spare parts for the needs of the Research Institute of Cardiology of the Tomsk Scientific Research Center
Invitation to Tender
24 Jun 2021
1 Jul 2021

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