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PTABalloon catheter Aviator Plus외 120종 그룹별 연간 단가계약(1~15그룹) (재공고)

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This tender with title PTABalloon catheter Aviator Plus외 120종 그룹별 연간 단가계약(1~15그룹) (재공고) -- Annual unit price contract for each 120 groups including PTABalloon catheter Aviator Plus (1~15 groups) (re-announcement) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Jun 2021 for the country of Korea, South. It has been categorized on Catheter accessories & Balloons & Balloon catheters. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Annual unit price contract for each 120 groups including PTABalloon catheter Aviator Plus (1~15 groups) (re-announcement)

General Information

PTABalloon catheter Aviator Plus외 120종 그룹별 연간 단가계약(1~15그룹) (재공고)
Annual unit price contract for each 120 groups including PTABalloon catheter Aviator Plus (1~15 groups) (re-announcement)
Invitation to Tender
20210631401 - 00
Korea, South
22 Jun 2021
28 Jun 2021
Catheter accessories , Balloons , Balloon catheters

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