This tender with title Выбор подрядной организации на выполнение проектных и изыскательских работ по объектам: ЛОТ №1: «Капитальный ремонт жилого дома, расположенного по адресу: Молодечненский район, г.п. Радошковичи, ул. Виленская,15»;ЛОТ №2: «Капитальный ремонт жилого дома, расположенного по адресу: г. Молодечно, ул. Гоголя,64»;ЛОТ №3: «Капитальный ремонт жилого дома, расположенного по адресу: г. Молодечно, ул. Лебедевская,12»;ЛОТ №4: «Капитальный ремонт жилого дома, расположенного по адресу: г. Молодечно, ул. Садовая,8» -- Selection of a contractor to carry out design and survey work on the objects: LOT No. 1: “Overhaul of a residential building located at the address: Molodechno district, g. Radoshkovichi, st. Vilenskaya, 15 "; LOT No. 2:" Overhaul of a residential building located at the address: Molodechno, st. Gogol, 64 "; LOT # 3:" Overhaul of a residential building located at the address: Molodechno, st. Lebedevskaya, 12 "; LOT No. 4:" Overhaul of a residential building located at the address: Molodechno, st. Sadovaya, 8 " has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 21 Jun 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Residential homes construction work & Construction work for subsidised residential accommodation & Architectural and building-surveying services & Building surveying services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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