
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Закупка комплектной установки по утилизации и переработке углеродосодержащих отходов (твёрдых и пастообразных отходов производства лакокрасочных материалов) и попутного производства пиролизного (печного) топлива непрерывного действия

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Закупка комплектной установки по утилизации и переработке углеродосодержащих отходов (твёрдых и пастообразных отходов производства лакокрасочных материалов) и попутного производства пиролизного (печного) топлива непрерывного действия -- Purchase of a complete installation for the disposal and processing of carbon-containing waste (solid and pasty waste from the production of paints and varnishes) and the associated production of pyrolysis (furnace) fuel of continuous operation has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 Jun 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Paints & Paints and wallcoverings & Installation services of furnaces & Industrial or laboratory furnaces, incinerators and ovens & Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy & Fuels & Refuse disposal and treatment & Varnishes. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Purchase of a complete installation for the disposal and processing of carbon-containing waste (solid and pasty waste from the production of paints and varnishes) and the associated production of pyrolysis (furnace) fuel of continuous operation

General Information

Закупка комплектной установки по утилизации и переработке углеродосодержащих отходов (твёрдых и пастообразных отходов производства лакокрасочных материалов) и попутного производства пиролизного (печного) топлива непрерывного действия
Purchase of a complete installation for the disposal and processing of carbon-containing waste (solid and pasty waste from the production of paints and varnishes) and the associated production of pyrolysis (furnace) fuel of continuous operation
Invitation to Tender
18 Jun 2021
30 Jun 2021
Paints , Paints and wallcoverings , Installation services of furnaces , Industrial or laboratory furnaces, incinerators and ovens , Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy , Fuels , Refuse disposal and treatment , Varnishes

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