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Refonte globale de l'infrastructure serveurs et stockages informatiques et réseau de la CCI Seine Estuaire et des Ponts de Tancarville et de Normandie

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Refonte globale de l'infrastructure serveurs et stockages informatiques et réseau de la CCI Seine Estuaire et des Ponts de Tancarville et de Normandie -- Global overhaul of the server and computer storage infrastructure and network of the CCI Seine Estuaire and the Bridges of Tancarville and Normandy has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Jun 2021 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Structures of bridges & Computer storage units. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Global overhaul of the server and computer storage infrastructure and network of the CCI Seine Estuaire and the Bridges of Tancarville and Normandy

General Information

Refonte globale de l'infrastructure serveurs et stockages informatiques et réseau de la CCI Seine Estuaire et des Ponts de Tancarville et de Normandie
Global overhaul of the server and computer storage infrastructure and network of the CCI Seine Estuaire and the Bridges of Tancarville and Normandy
Invitation for Bids
14 Jun 2021
Structures of bridges , Computer storage units

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