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закупка подъемника-опрокидывателя скипового полезной грузоподъемностью не менее 250 кг с учетом установки, пусконаладки и обучения персонала работе на оборудовании

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This tender with title закупка подъемника-опрокидывателя скипового полезной грузоподъемностью не менее 250 кг с учетом установки, пусконаладки и обучения персонала работе на оборудовании -- purchase of a skip hoist with a payload capacity of at least 250 kg, taking into account the installation, commissioning and training of personnel to work on the equipment has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 12 Jun 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Hoists & Skip hoists & Parts of skip hoists & Education and training services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

purchase of a skip hoist with a payload capacity of at least 250 kg, taking into account the installation, commissioning and training of personnel to work on the equipment

General Information

закупка подъемника-опрокидывателя скипового полезной грузоподъемностью не менее 250 кг с учетом установки, пусконаладки и обучения персонала работе на оборудовании
purchase of a skip hoist with a payload capacity of at least 250 kg, taking into account the installation, commissioning and training of personnel to work on the equipment
Invitation to Tender
12 Jun 2021
16 Jun 2021
Hoists , Skip hoists , Parts of skip hoists , Education and training services

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