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Техническое обслуживание муфельных тэлектропечей СБЦА 6.24 и СБЦА 4.24; Эндогенератор ЭН-125 в количестве 3 едениц прикладного програмного обеспечения автоматизированных систем управления на базе контроллеров PLC Siemens

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This tender with title Техническое обслуживание муфельных тэлектропечей СБЦА 6.24 и СБЦА 4.24; Эндогенератор ЭН-125 в количестве 3 едениц прикладного програмного обеспечения автоматизированных систем управления на базе контроллеров PLC Siemens -- Maintenance of muffle electric furnaces SBCSA 6.24 and SBCSA 4.24; Endogenerator EN-125 in the amount of 3 units of applied software for automated control systems based on Siemens PLC controllers has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 12 Jun 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Command and control system & Installation services of furnaces & Software maintenance and repair services & Construction of furnaces & Generators & Repair and maintenance services of generators. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Maintenance of muffle electric furnaces SBCSA 6.24 and SBCSA 4.24; Endogenerator EN-125 in the amount of 3 units of applied software for automated control systems based on Siemens PLC controllers

General Information

Техническое обслуживание муфельных тэлектропечей СБЦА 6.24 и СБЦА 4.24; Эндогенератор ЭН-125 в количестве 3 едениц прикладного програмного обеспечения автоматизированных систем управления на базе контроллеров PLC Siemens
Maintenance of muffle electric furnaces SBCSA 6.24 and SBCSA 4.24; Endogenerator EN-125 in the amount of 3 units of applied software for automated control systems based on Siemens PLC controllers
Invitation to Tender
12 Jun 2021
23 Jun 2021
Command and control system , Installation services of furnaces , Software maintenance and repair services , Construction of furnaces , Generators , Repair and maintenance services of generators

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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