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Etudes techniques et supervision des travaux de la restructuration de Balbala Ancien - OP00130764

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This tender with title Etudes techniques et supervision des travaux de la restructuration de Balbala Ancien - OP00130764 -- Technical studies and supervision of the restructuring works of Balbala Ancien - OP00130764 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 31 May 2021 for the country of Djibouti. It has been categorized on Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis & Restructuring work & Pre-feasibility study and technological demonstration. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Technical studies and supervision of the restructuring works of Balbala Ancien - OP00130764

General Information

Etudes techniques et supervision des travaux de la restructuration de Balbala Ancien - OP00130764
Technical studies and supervision of the restructuring works of Balbala Ancien - OP00130764
Contract Award
31 May 2021
Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis , Restructuring work , Pre-feasibility study and technological demonstration

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