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Suministro de Balizas Autónomas para estructuras soporte de antenas.

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This tender with title Suministro de Balizas Autónomas para estructuras soporte de antenas. -- Supply of Autonomous Beacons for antenna support structures. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 31 May 2021 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Antenna installation work & Structures and parts & Miscellaneous structures & Beacons & Satellite antennas & Structures and parts of structures. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Supply of Autonomous Beacons for antenna support structures.

General Information

Suministro de Balizas Autónomas para estructuras soporte de antenas.
Supply of Autonomous Beacons for antenna support structures.
Invitation to Tender
31 May 2021
14 Jun 2021
Antenna installation work , Structures and parts , Miscellaneous structures , Beacons , Satellite antennas , Structures and parts of structures

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