This tender with title Поставка бытовой химии (Порошок стиральный, средства отбеливающие для стирки, средства моющие для туалетов и ванных комнат, средство для мытья посуды, средства моющие для стекол и зеркал, сода кальцинированная) для ГБУЗ ЯО «Ростовская ЦРБ» -- Supply of household chemicals (washing powder, bleaching agents for washing, detergents for toilets and bathrooms, dishwashing detergents, detergents for glasses and mirrors, soda ash) for the Rostov Central District Hospital has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 20 May 2021 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Detergents & Various chemical products & Mirrors & Chemical products & Dishwasher detergents. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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