This tender with title Выбор услуг лизингодателя на право заключения договора финансовой аренды (лизинга) экскаватора-погрузчика полноприводного на четырёх равноразмерных колеса с управлением и электронной регулировкой четырёх колес в трёх режимах с последующей передачей предмета лизинга в собственность лизингополучателя -- Choice of the lessor's services for the right to conclude a financial lease (lease) agreement for an all-wheel-drive excavator-loader on four equal-sized wheels with control and electronic adjustment of four wheels in three modes, with the subsequent transfer of the leased item into the ownership of the lessee has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 16 May 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Financial leasing services & Parts of excavating machinery & Excavating machinery. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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