
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Chalon sur saone (71) - lycée Mathias - réfection du gymnase y compris mur d'escalade.Marché alloti de travaux : relance du lot 14 - équipements photovoltaïques.

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This tender with title Chalon sur saone (71) - lycée Mathias - réfection du gymnase y compris mur d'escalade.Marché alloti de travaux : relance du lot 14 - équipements photovoltaïques. -- Chalon sur saone (71) - Mathias high school - refurbishment of the gymnasium including climbing wall. Allotment contract: relaunch of lot 14 - photovoltaic equipment. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 May 2021 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Solar photovoltaic modules & Photovoltaic cells & Refurbishment work & Gymnasium construction work & Construction work for school buildings & Gymnasium equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Chalon sur saone (71) - Mathias high school - refurbishment of the gymnasium including climbing wall. Allotment contract: relaunch of lot 14 - photovoltaic equipment.

General Information

Chalon sur saone (71) - lycée Mathias - réfection du gymnase y compris mur d'escalade.Marché alloti de travaux : relance du lot 14 - équipements photovoltaïques.
Chalon sur saone (71) - Mathias high school - refurbishment of the gymnasium including climbing wall. Allotment contract: relaunch of lot 14 - photovoltaic equipment.
Invitation for Bids
10 May 2021
31 May 2021
Solar photovoltaic modules , Photovoltaic cells , Refurbishment work , Gymnasium construction work , Construction work for school buildings , Gymnasium equipment

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