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Prestação de serviço de remoção, transporte e descarga de solo proveniente de escavações de vala para assentamento da adutora Mauá – Anchieta – MCER - Unidade de Negócio Centro - Diretoria Metropolitana - M

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This tender with title Prestação de serviço de remoção, transporte e descarga de solo proveniente de escavações de vala para assentamento da adutora Mauá – Anchieta – MCER - Unidade de Negócio Centro - Diretoria Metropolitana - M -- Provision of soil removal, transportation and unloading service from ditch excavations for the laying of the Mauá pipeline - Anchieta - MCER - Centro Business Unit - Metropolitan Directorate - M has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 May 2021 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Pipelaying construction work & Construction work for oil and gas pipelines & Excavating and earthmoving work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Provision of soil removal, transportation and unloading service from ditch excavations for the laying of the Mauá pipeline - Anchieta - MCER - Centro Business Unit - Metropolitan Directorate - M

General Information

Prestação de serviço de remoção, transporte e descarga de solo proveniente de escavações de vala para assentamento da adutora Mauá – Anchieta – MCER - Unidade de Negócio Centro - Diretoria Metropolitana - M
Provision of soil removal, transportation and unloading service from ditch excavations for the laying of the Mauá pipeline - Anchieta - MCER - Centro Business Unit - Metropolitan Directorate - M
Invitation for Bids
10 May 2021
24 May 2021
Pipelaying construction work , Construction work for oil and gas pipelines , Excavating and earthmoving work

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