
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities - B08-20 - Adquisición de Equipamiento para traslado y conservación de muestras, que incluye: termos ($39100.00), cajas transportar vacunas ($23,800) y neveras ($44,000) - OP00127561

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This tender with title - B08-20 - Adquisición de Equipamiento para traslado y conservación de muestras, que incluye: termos ($39100.00), cajas transportar vacunas ($23,800) y neveras ($44,000) - OP00127561 -- - B08-20 - Acquisition of Equipment for the transfer and conservation of samples, which includes: thermos ($ 39100.00), boxes to transport vaccines ($ 23,800) and refrigerators ($ 44,000) - OP00127561 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 09 May 2021 for the country of Panama. It has been categorized on Pharmaceutical products & Refrigerators & Vaccines & Refrigerators and freezers. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page. - B08-20 - Acquisition of Equipment for the transfer and conservation of samples, which includes: thermos ($ 39100.00), boxes to transport vaccines ($ 23,800) and refrigerators ($ 44,000) - OP00127561

General Information - B08-20 - Adquisición de Equipamiento para traslado y conservación de muestras, que incluye: termos ($39100.00), cajas transportar vacunas ($23,800) y neveras ($44,000) - OP00127561 - B08-20 - Acquisition of Equipment for the transfer and conservation of samples, which includes: thermos ($ 39100.00), boxes to transport vaccines ($ 23,800) and refrigerators ($ 44,000) - OP00127561
Contract Award
9 May 2021
Pharmaceutical products , Refrigerators , Vaccines , Refrigerators and freezers

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