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Matériels cercles de la zone hors PRAPS (congélateurs=27, glacières=108, containers=27); seringues (150), aiguilles) - OP00127558

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This tender with title Matériels cercles de la zone hors PRAPS (congélateurs=27, glacières=108, containers=27); seringues (150), aiguilles) - OP00127558 -- Circle equipment from the non-PRAPS zone (freezers = 27, coolers = 108, containers = 27); syringes (150), needles) - OP00127558 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 09 May 2021 for the country of Mali. It has been categorized on Household freezers & Industrial freezers & Syringes & Freezers & Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels & Large containers & Refrigerators and freezers. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Circle equipment from the non-PRAPS zone (freezers = 27, coolers = 108, containers = 27); syringes (150), needles) - OP00127558

General Information

Matériels cercles de la zone hors PRAPS (congélateurs=27, glacières=108, containers=27); seringues (150), aiguilles) - OP00127558
Circle equipment from the non-PRAPS zone (freezers = 27, coolers = 108, containers = 27); syringes (150), needles) - OP00127558
Contract Award
9 May 2021
Household freezers , Industrial freezers , Syringes , Freezers , Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels , Large containers , Refrigerators and freezers

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