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Wave glider를 이용한 외해역 유해적조 모니터링 (재공고)

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This tender with title Wave glider를 이용한 외해역 유해적조 모니터링 (재공고) -- Monitoring of harmful red tide in the open sea using wave glider (re-announcement) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 02 May 2021 for the country of Korea, South. It has been categorized on Gliders. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Monitoring of harmful red tide in the open sea using wave glider (re-announcement)

General Information

Wave glider를 이용한 외해역 유해적조 모니터링 (재공고)
Monitoring of harmful red tide in the open sea using wave glider (re-announcement)
Invitation to Tender
20210446807 - 00
Korea, South
2 May 2021
13 May 2021

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