
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Закупка услуги по зачистке, градуировке, калибровке, дегазации, техническому диагностированию резервуаров (емкостей, цистерн) для хранения нефтепродуктов и монтажу мерной линейки (повторно)

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This tender with title Закупка услуги по зачистке, градуировке, калибровке, дегазации, техническому диагностированию резервуаров (емкостей, цистерн) для хранения нефтепродуктов и монтажу мерной линейки (повторно) -- Purchase of services for cleaning, calibration, calibration, degassing, technical diagnostics of tanks (containers, tanks) for storing petroleum products and installation of a measuring ruler (again) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Apr 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Tank and reservoir cleaning services & Petroleum, coal and oil products & Cleaning services & Diagnostic kits & Large containers & Petroleum and distillates & Diagnostic X-ray system & Installation services of measuring equipment & Installation services of tanks & Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels & Diagnostic systems & Measuring instruments & Tanks & Diagnostic devices & Tank-cleaning services & Calibration services & Diagnostic ultrasound devices & Diagnostics and radiodiagnostic devices and supplies & Diagnostic supplies & Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Purchase of services for cleaning, calibration, calibration, degassing, technical diagnostics of tanks (containers, tanks) for storing petroleum products and installation of a measuring ruler (again)

General Information

Закупка услуги по зачистке, градуировке, калибровке, дегазации, техническому диагностированию резервуаров (емкостей, цистерн) для хранения нефтепродуктов и монтажу мерной линейки (повторно)
Purchase of services for cleaning, calibration, calibration, degassing, technical diagnostics of tanks (containers, tanks) for storing petroleum products and installation of a measuring ruler (again)
Invitation to Tender
29 Apr 2021
6 May 2021
Tank and reservoir cleaning services , Petroleum, coal and oil products , Cleaning services , Diagnostic kits , Large containers , Petroleum and distillates , Diagnostic X-ray system , Installation services of measuring equipment , Installation services of tanks , Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels , Diagnostic systems , Measuring instruments , Tanks , Diagnostic devices , Tank-cleaning services , Calibration services , Diagnostic ultrasound devices , Diagnostics and radiodiagnostic devices and supplies , Diagnostic supplies , Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy

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