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Travaux d'étanchéité et de confinement des casiers C, D,E du centre d'enfouissement technique du Yeun à TREMEOC (FR29120).

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This tender with title Travaux d'étanchéité et de confinement des casiers C, D,E du centre d'enfouissement technique du Yeun à TREMEOC (FR29120). -- Sealing and containment work on lockers C, D, E of the Yeun technical landfill at TREMEOC (FR29120). has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Apr 2021 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Lockers. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Sealing and containment work on lockers C, D, E of the Yeun technical landfill at TREMEOC (FR29120).

General Information

Travaux d'étanchéité et de confinement des casiers C, D,E du centre d'enfouissement technique du Yeun à TREMEOC (FR29120).
Sealing and containment work on lockers C, D, E of the Yeun technical landfill at TREMEOC (FR29120).
Invitation for Bids
19 Apr 2021
19 May 2021

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