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Разработка проектной документации и изыскательские работы по объекту "Модернизация системы пожарной сигнализации и оповещения людей о пожаре в здании ИУОТ №36, г.Минск"

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This tender with title Разработка проектной документации и изыскательские работы по объекту "Модернизация системы пожарной сигнализации и оповещения людей о пожаре в здании ИУОТ №36, г.Минск" --           Development of design documentation and survey work for the object "Modernization of the fire alarm system and warning people about a fire in the building of IUOT No. 36, Minsk"         has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Apr 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Documentation services & Alarm system and antenna installation work & Architectural and building-surveying services & Building surveying services & Alarm systems & Burglar and fire alarms & Fire-alarm system installation work & Fire-alarm systems. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

          Development of design documentation and survey work for the object "Modernization of the fire alarm system and warning people about a fire in the building of IUOT No. 36, Minsk"        

General Information

Разработка проектной документации и изыскательские работы по объекту "Модернизация системы пожарной сигнализации и оповещения людей о пожаре в здании ИУОТ №36, г.Минск"
          Development of design documentation and survey work for the object "Modernization of the fire alarm system and warning people about a fire in the building of IUOT No. 36, Minsk"        
Invitation to Tender
14 Apr 2021
19 Apr 2021
Documentation services , Alarm system and antenna installation work , Architectural and building-surveying services , Building surveying services , Alarm systems , Burglar and fire alarms , Fire-alarm system installation work , Fire-alarm systems

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