
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Lot 3: Supply of high power motorized Fresnel projectors

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This tender with title Lot 3: Supply of high power motorized Fresnel projectors -- Lot 3 : Fourniture de projecteurs Fresnel de forte puissance motorisés has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 02 Apr 2021 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Projectors & Pneumatic power motors & Hydraulic power motors. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Lot 3 : Fourniture de projecteurs Fresnel de forte puissance motorisés

General Information

Lot 3: Supply of high power motorized Fresnel projectors
Lot 3 : Fourniture de projecteurs Fresnel de forte puissance motorisés
Invitation for Bids
2 Apr 2021
Projectors , Pneumatic power motors , Hydraulic power motors

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