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Expansion of the gymnasium for individual games in Estour.

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This tender with title Expansion of the gymnasium for individual games in Estour. -- توسعة قاعة رياضة الألعاب الفردية بتستور . has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 31 Mar 2021 for the country of Tunisia. It has been categorized on Gymnasium construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

توسعة قاعة رياضة الألعاب الفردية بتستور .

General Information

Expansion of the gymnasium for individual games in Estour.
توسعة قاعة رياضة الألعاب الفردية بتستور .
Invitation to Bids
31 Mar 2021
30 Apr 2021
Gymnasium construction work

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