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The choice of a design organization to carry out design and survey work on the object "Overhaul with modernization of elevators in the building of the educational and laboratory building No. 2 on the street. Petrusya Brovki, 4 in Minsk "

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This tender with title The choice of a design organization to carry out design and survey work on the object "Overhaul with modernization of elevators in the building of the educational and laboratory building No. 2 on the street. Petrusya Brovki, 4 in Minsk " -- Выбор проектной организации для выполнения проектно-изыскательских работ по объекту «Капитальный ремонт с модернизацией лифтов в здании учебно-лабораторного корпуса №2 по ул. Петруся Бровки, 4 в г. Минске» has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Mar 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Laboratory building construction work & Building surveying services & Elevators and conveyors & Construction work for buildings relating to education and research & Architectural and building-surveying services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Выбор проектной организации для выполнения проектно-изыскательских работ по объекту «Капитальный ремонт с модернизацией лифтов в здании учебно-лабораторного корпуса №2 по ул. Петруся Бровки, 4 в г. Минске»

General Information

The choice of a design organization to carry out design and survey work on the object "Overhaul with modernization of elevators in the building of the educational and laboratory building No. 2 on the street. Petrusya Brovki, 4 in Minsk "
Выбор проектной организации для выполнения проектно-изыскательских работ по объекту «Капитальный ремонт с модернизацией лифтов в здании учебно-лабораторного корпуса №2 по ул. Петруся Бровки, 4 в г. Минске»
Invitation to Tender
22 Mar 2021
19 Apr 2021
Laboratory building construction work , Building surveying services , Elevators and conveyors , Construction work for buildings relating to education and research , Architectural and building-surveying services

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