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Purchase of heat and sound insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene: Isolon 500 1502, Isolontape 500 3004 (splen 3004, Auto-PPE 4), Isolontape 500 3008 (splen 3008, Auto-PPE 8)

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This tender with title Purchase of heat and sound insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene: Isolon 500 1502, Isolontape 500 3004 (splen 3004, Auto-PPE 4), Isolontape 500 3008 (splen 3008, Auto-PPE 8) -- Закупка тепло-, шумоизоляционных материалов из вспененного полиэтилена: Isolon 500 1502, Isolontape 500 3004 (сплэн 3004, Авто-ППЭ 4), Isolontape 500 3008 (сплэн 3008, Авто-ППЭ 8) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Mar 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Insulators & Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services & Insulators and insulating fittings & Insulation work & Ethylene & Sound insulation. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Закупка тепло-, шумоизоляционных материалов из вспененного полиэтилена: Isolon 500 1502, Isolontape 500 3004 (сплэн 3004, Авто-ППЭ 4), Isolontape 500 3008 (сплэн 3008, Авто-ППЭ 8)

General Information

Purchase of heat and sound insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene: Isolon 500 1502, Isolontape 500 3004 (splen 3004, Auto-PPE 4), Isolontape 500 3008 (splen 3008, Auto-PPE 8)
Закупка тепло-, шумоизоляционных материалов из вспененного полиэтилена: Isolon 500 1502, Isolontape 500 3004 (сплэн 3004, Авто-ППЭ 4), Isolontape 500 3008 (сплэн 3008, Авто-ППЭ 8)
Invitation to Tender
14 Mar 2021
19 Mar 2021
Insulators , Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services , Insulators and insulating fittings , Insulation work , Ethylene , Sound insulation

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