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Procurement of 144 units of 6x24 2 Volt 1000 Ah PLTS Batteries (Tender is not binding) Re-tender

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This tender with title Procurement of 144 units of 6x24 2 Volt 1000 Ah PLTS Batteries (Tender is not binding) Re-tender -- Pengadaan Battery PLTS 6x24 buah 2 Volt 1.000 Ah sebanyak 144 buah (Tender Tidak Mengikat) Tender Ulang has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Mar 2021 for the country of Indonesia. It has been categorized on Batteries. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Pengadaan Battery PLTS 6x24 buah 2 Volt 1.000 Ah sebanyak 144 buah (Tender Tidak Mengikat) Tender Ulang

General Information

Procurement of 144 units of 6x24 2 Volt 1000 Ah PLTS Batteries (Tender is not binding) Re-tender
Pengadaan Battery PLTS 6x24 buah 2 Volt 1.000 Ah sebanyak 144 buah (Tender Tidak Mengikat) Tender Ulang
Invitation for Bids
14 Mar 2021

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