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Remont drogi samolotowo-samochodowej B1 na Lotnisku Chopina w Warszawie

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This tender with title Remont drogi samolotowo-samochodowej B1 na Lotnisku Chopina w Warszawie -- Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Mar 2021 for the country of Poland. It has been categorized on Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces

General Information

Remont drogi samolotowo-samochodowej B1 na Lotnisku Chopina w Warszawie
Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces
Invitation for Bids
2021/S 047-119040
10 Mar 2021
9 Apr 2021
Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces

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