This tender with title PROPOSED LAND INVESTIGATION WORK AND LABORATORY TESTING AT TWO PROJECT SITE LOCATIONS AROUND SECTION BS7 BANDAR BUKIT SENTOSA AND TAMAN TASEK MILLENIUM KUALA KUBU BARU -- CADANGAN KERJA PENYIASATAN TANAH DAN UJIAN MAKMAL DI DUA LOKASI TAPAK PROJEK IAITU SEKITAR SEKSYEN BS7 BANDAR BUKIT SENTOSA DAN TAMAN TASEK MILLENIUM KUALA KUBU BHARU has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Mar 2021 for the country of Malaysia. It has been categorized on Site-investigation services & Investigation and security services & Laboratory building construction work & Investigation services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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