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Re-purchase of plates and seals for the repair of heaters and microwave ovens (lot # 1)

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This tender with title Re-purchase of plates and seals for the repair of heaters and microwave ovens (lot # 1) -- Повторная закупка пластин и уплотнений для ремонта подогревателей и микроволновой печи (лот №1) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Mar 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Ovens & Rings, seals, bands, sticks and grout packers & Microwave equipment & Microwave ovens & Ovens and accessories. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Повторная закупка пластин и уплотнений для ремонта подогревателей и микроволновой печи (лот №1)

General Information

Re-purchase of plates and seals for the repair of heaters and microwave ovens (lot # 1)
Повторная закупка пластин и уплотнений для ремонта подогревателей и микроволновой печи (лот №1)
Invitation to Tender
10 Mar 2021
17 Mar 2021
Ovens , Rings, seals, bands, sticks and grout packers , Microwave equipment , Microwave ovens , Ovens and accessories

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