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performance of work at the expense of current repair funds to study the microclimate and thermal and humidity state of apartments in residential buildings (with the issuance of technical reports)

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This tender with title performance of work at the expense of current repair funds to study the microclimate and thermal and humidity state of apartments in residential buildings (with the issuance of technical reports) -- выполнение работ за счет средств текущего ремонта по исследованию микроклимата и тепловлажностного состояния квартир жилых домов (с выдачей технических заключений) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 02 Mar 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Temperature humidity testers & Residential homes construction work & Construction work for subsidised residential accommodation & Overhaul and refurbishment work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

выполнение работ за счет средств текущего ремонта по исследованию микроклимата и тепловлажностного состояния квартир жилых домов (с выдачей технических заключений)

General Information

performance of work at the expense of current repair funds to study the microclimate and thermal and humidity state of apartments in residential buildings (with the issuance of technical reports)
выполнение работ за счет средств текущего ремонта по исследованию микроклимата и тепловлажностного состояния квартир жилых домов (с выдачей технических заключений)
Invitation to Tender
2 Mar 2021
9 Mar 2021
Temperature humidity testers , Residential homes construction work , Construction work for subsidised residential accommodation , Overhaul and refurbishment work

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