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Development of Distribution and House Connections at Pajar Bulan Village (DAK PENUGASAN). Re-tender

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This tender with title Development of Distribution and House Connections at Pajar Bulan Village (DAK PENUGASAN). Re-tender -- Pembangunan Distribusi dan Sambungan Rumah Desa Pajar Bulan (DAK PENUGASAN) Tender Ulang has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 09 Feb 2021 for the country of Indonesia. It has been categorized on Gas distribution ancillary work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Pembangunan Distribusi dan Sambungan Rumah Desa Pajar Bulan (DAK PENUGASAN) Tender Ulang

General Information

Development of Distribution and House Connections at Pajar Bulan Village (DAK PENUGASAN). Re-tender
Pembangunan Distribusi dan Sambungan Rumah Desa Pajar Bulan (DAK PENUGASAN) Tender Ulang
Invitation for Bids
9 Feb 2021
Gas distribution ancillary work

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