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Quotation request for the realization of video equipment in the Saloum Islands

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This tender with title Quotation request for the realization of video equipment in the Saloum Islands -- Demande de cotation pour la réalisation de matériel vidéo aux Iles du Saloum has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 04 Jan 2021 for the country of Senegal. It has been categorized on Video equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Demande de cotation pour la réalisation de matériel vidéo aux Iles du Saloum

General Information

Quotation request for the realization of video equipment in the Saloum Islands
Demande de cotation pour la réalisation de matériel vidéo aux Iles du Saloum
Invitation to Bid
4 Jan 2021
6 Jan 2021
Video equipment

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