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Research on non-visible leaks and services related to loss reduction at Un. do Paraíba Business Center

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This tender with title Research on non-visible leaks and services related to loss reduction at Un. do Paraíba Business Center -- Pesquisa de vazamentos não visíveis e serviços correlacionados p/ redução de perdas na Un. de Negócio Vale do Paraíba has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 Jan 2021 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Leak-testing services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Pesquisa de vazamentos não visíveis e serviços correlacionados p/ redução de perdas na Un. de Negócio Vale do Paraíba

General Information

Research on non-visible leaks and services related to loss reduction at Un. do Paraíba Business Center
Pesquisa de vazamentos não visíveis e serviços correlacionados p/ redução de perdas na Un. de Negócio Vale do Paraíba
Invitation for Bids
1 Jan 2021
27 Jan 2021
Leak-testing services

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