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Automobile scales with a platform of 18 meters with a carrying capacity of 60 tons

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This tender with title Automobile scales with a platform of 18 meters with a carrying capacity of 60 tons -- Весы автомобильные с платформой 18 метров грузоподъемностью 60 тн has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Dec 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Scales & Weighing machinery and scales & Meters. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Весы автомобильные с платформой 18 метров грузоподъемностью 60 тн

General Information

Automobile scales with a platform of 18 meters with a carrying capacity of 60 tons
Весы автомобильные с платформой 18 метров грузоподъемностью 60 тн
Invitation to Tender
22 Dec 2020
28 Dec 2020
Scales , Weighing machinery and scales , Meters

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