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Maintenance of a landscaped area in the area of ​​the Furniture Bridge, the embankment of the Maima River in the area of ​​Altayskaya Street, the embankment of the Maima River on the section from the Baatyr Sports School to the automobile bridge on Kommunistichesky Ave.

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This tender with title Maintenance of a landscaped area in the area of ​​the Furniture Bridge, the embankment of the Maima River in the area of ​​Altayskaya Street, the embankment of the Maima River on the section from the Baatyr Sports School to the automobile bridge on Kommunistichesky Ave. -- Содержание благоустроенной территории в районе Мебельного моста, набережной реки Майма в районе улицы Алтайской, набережной реки Майма на участке от СДЮСШОР "Баатыр" до автомобильного моста по пр. Коммунистический (правая сторона), сквера Администрации в городе Горно-Алтайске has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Dec 2020 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on School furniture & Miscellaneous furniture & Embankment works & Repair and maintenance services of buses & Repair and maintenance services of cars & Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment & Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles & Overhaul and refurbishment work & Repair and maintenance services of furniture & Construction work for school buildings & Mobile bridges & Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment & Repair and maintenance services of trucks & Bridge construction work & Furniture. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Содержание благоустроенной территории в районе Мебельного моста, набережной реки Майма в районе улицы Алтайской, набережной реки Майма на участке от СДЮСШОР "Баатыр" до автомобильного моста по пр. Коммунистический (правая сторона), сквера Администрации в городе Горно-Алтайске

General Information

Maintenance of a landscaped area in the area of ​​the Furniture Bridge, the embankment of the Maima River in the area of ​​Altayskaya Street, the embankment of the Maima River on the section from the Baatyr Sports School to the automobile bridge on Kommunistichesky Ave.
Содержание благоустроенной территории в районе Мебельного моста, набережной реки Майма в районе улицы Алтайской, набережной реки Майма на участке от СДЮСШОР "Баатыр" до автомобильного моста по пр. Коммунистический (правая сторона), сквера Администрации в городе Горно-Алтайске
Invitation to Tender
10 Dec 2020
School furniture , Miscellaneous furniture , Embankment works , Repair and maintenance services of buses , Repair and maintenance services of cars , Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment , Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles , Overhaul and refurbishment work , Repair and maintenance services of furniture , Construction work for school buildings , Mobile bridges , Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment , Repair and maintenance services of trucks , Bridge construction work , Furniture

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