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436/2021 awarding the works of the El-Ayoun Bridge in the Akkar district

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This tender with title 436/2021 awarding the works of the El-Ayoun Bridge in the Akkar district -- 436/2021 تلزيم أشغال جسر العيون في قضاء عكار has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 08 Dec 2020 for the country of Lebanon. It has been categorized on Bridge construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

436/2021 تلزيم أشغال جسر العيون في قضاء عكار

General Information

436/2021 awarding the works of the El-Ayoun Bridge in the Akkar district
436/2021 تلزيم أشغال جسر العيون في قضاء عكار
Invitation for Bids
8 Dec 2020
Bridge construction work

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