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Purchase of design (including estimate) and survey work, architectural supervision of construction for the object: "Thermal modernization of the automatic telephone exchange at the address: Molodechno district, village Chist, Rusanova st., 51"

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This tender with title Purchase of design (including estimate) and survey work, architectural supervision of construction for the object: "Thermal modernization of the automatic telephone exchange at the address: Molodechno district, village Chist, Rusanova st., 51" -- Закупка проектных (включая сметные) и изыскательских работ, авторского надзора за строительством по объекту: "Тепловая модернизация АТС по адресу: Молодечненский район, д.Чисть, ул.Русанова, 51" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 16 Nov 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Installation of telephone exchanges & Telephone exchanges & Telephone survey services & Architectural and related services & Architectural design services & Construction supervision services & Installation of telecommunications equipment & Architectural and building-surveying services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Закупка проектных (включая сметные) и изыскательских работ, авторского надзора за строительством по объекту: "Тепловая модернизация АТС по адресу: Молодечненский район, д.Чисть, ул.Русанова, 51"

General Information

Purchase of design (including estimate) and survey work, architectural supervision of construction for the object: "Thermal modernization of the automatic telephone exchange at the address: Molodechno district, village Chist, Rusanova st., 51"
Закупка проектных (включая сметные) и изыскательских работ, авторского надзора за строительством по объекту: "Тепловая модернизация АТС по адресу: Молодечненский район, д.Чисть, ул.Русанова, 51"
Invitation to Tender
16 Nov 2020
20 Nov 2020
Installation of telephone exchanges , Telephone exchanges , Telephone survey services , Architectural and related services , Architectural design services , Construction supervision services , Installation of telecommunications equipment , Architectural and building-surveying services

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