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Purchase of false ceilings, water heaters

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This tender with title Purchase of false ceilings, water heaters -- Закупеа подвесного потолка,водонагревателей has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 16 Nov 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters & Installation of suspended ceilings & Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Закупеа подвесного потолка,водонагревателей

General Information

Purchase of false ceilings, water heaters
Закупеа подвесного потолка,водонагревателей
Invitation to Tender
16 Nov 2020
19 Nov 2020
Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters , Installation of suspended ceilings , Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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