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AMI - Benin - Technical and road safety audit of the Djougou-Péhunco-Kérou-Banikoara road development and asphalting project

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This tender with title AMI - Benin - Technical and road safety audit of the Djougou-Péhunco-Kérou-Banikoara road development and asphalting project -- AMI - Bénin - Audit technique et de sécurité routière du Projet d’aménagement et de bitumage de la route Djougou-Péhunco-Kérou-Banikoara has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Nov 2020 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Paving and asphalting works & Safety installations. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

AMI - Bénin - Audit technique et de sécurité routière du Projet d’aménagement et de bitumage de la route Djougou-Péhunco-Kérou-Banikoara

General Information

AMI - Benin - Technical and road safety audit of the Djougou-Péhunco-Kérou-Banikoara road development and asphalting project
AMI - Bénin - Audit technique et de sécurité routière du Projet d’aménagement et de bitumage de la route Djougou-Péhunco-Kérou-Banikoara
Invitation for Bids
13 Nov 2020
Paving and asphalting works , Safety installations

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