This tender with title Selection of a contractor for the construction of a pumping station (item No. 13 according to GP), an administrative and amenity complex (item No. 22 according to GP), a fire tank (item No. 12 according to GP), a checkpoint (item No. 28 according to GP), a block of drying chambers (item No. 5 according to GP), a pellet production workshop (item No. 3 according to GP), a distribution substation (item No. 32 according to GP), a fire station (item No. 21 according to GP), an operator's room (item No. 30 on GP), railway crossing (item No. 34 on GP), preparatory, commissioning and landscaping works at the facility “Organization of a new sawmill and pellet production on the street. Lenin, 95 in the city of Bobruisk " -- Выбор подрядной организации на строительство насосной станции (поз. №13 по ГП), административно-бытового комплекса (поз. №22 по ГП), пожарного резервуара (поз. №12 по ГП), контрольно-пропускного пункта (поз. №28 по ГП), блока сушильных камер (поз. №5 по ГП), цеха производства пеллет (поз. №3 по ГП), распределительной подстанции (поз. №32 по ГП), пожарного поста (поз. №21 по ГП), операторской (поз. №30 по ГП), железнодорожного переезда (поз. №34 по ГП), выполнения подготовительных, пусконаладочных работ и благоустройства территории на объекте «Организация нового лесопильного и пеллетного производства по ул. Ленина, 95 в г. Бобруйске» has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Nov 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Overhaul and refurbishment work & Underground railway station & Landscaping work & Intercity railway works & Pumping station construction work & Dredging and pumping works & Rails & Fire station construction work & Construction work for railways workshop & Building construction work & Railway construction works & Pumps for firefighting & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & City railway construction work & Workshops construction work & Railway station construction work & Substation construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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