This tender with title Execution of work on the current repair of buildings for the needs of educational institutions subordinate to the Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow (Premises and recreation areas of the 3rd floor) -- Выполнение работ по проведению текущего ремонта зданий, для нужд образовательных учреждений, подведомственных Департаменту образования и науки города Москвы (Помещения и зоны рекреаций 3 эт.) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Nov 2020 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Recreation installation & Overhaul and refurbishment work & Construction work for buildings relating to education and research & Repair work on recreational areas. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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