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Purchase of works on checking the car scales during their repair and adjustment by the weight owner JSC "Belaruskali"

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This tender with title Purchase of works on checking the car scales during their repair and adjustment by the weight owner JSC "Belaruskali" -- Закупка работ по проведению проверки вагонных весов при их ремонте и наладке весовладельцем ОАО «Беларуськалий» has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Nov 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Scales & Car maintenance services & Car repair services & Passenger cars & Weighing machinery and scales. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Закупка работ по проведению проверки вагонных весов при их ремонте и наладке весовладельцем ОАО «Беларуськалий»

General Information

Purchase of works on checking the car scales during their repair and adjustment by the weight owner JSC "Belaruskali"
Закупка работ по проведению проверки вагонных весов при их ремонте и наладке весовладельцем ОАО «Беларуськалий»
Invitation to Tender
10 Nov 2020
18 Dec 2020
Scales , Car maintenance services , Car repair services , Passenger cars , Weighing machinery and scales

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