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Purchase of water pipes and valves, taking into account repair and installation work in the building of the Bishkek city branch of the State Institution "Cadastre"

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This tender with title Purchase of water pipes and valves, taking into account repair and installation work in the building of the Bishkek city branch of the State Institution "Cadastre" -- Закупка водопроводных труб и вентилей с учетом ремонтно-монтажных работ в здании Бишкекского городского филиала ГУ "Кадастр" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 02 Nov 2020 for the country of Kyrgyzstan. It has been categorized on Overhaul and refurbishment work & Ancillary works for water pipelines & Repair and maintenance services of valves & Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances & Pipes and fittings & Various pipe fittings & Pipes & Construction work for water and sewage pipelines. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Закупка водопроводных труб и вентилей с учетом ремонтно-монтажных работ в здании Бишкекского городского филиала ГУ "Кадастр"

General Information

Purchase of water pipes and valves, taking into account repair and installation work in the building of the Bishkek city branch of the State Institution "Cadastre"
Закупка водопроводных труб и вентилей с учетом ремонтно-монтажных работ в здании Бишкекского городского филиала ГУ "Кадастр"
Invitation to Tender
2 Nov 2020
Overhaul and refurbishment work , Ancillary works for water pipelines , Repair and maintenance services of valves , Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances , Pipes and fittings , Various pipe fittings , Pipes , Construction work for water and sewage pipelines

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