
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Provision of Vehicle Tracking & Telematics Systems and related products and services

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This tender with title Provision of Vehicle Tracking & Telematics Systems and related products and services has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 28 Oct 2020 for the country of Italy. It has been categorized on Global navigation and positioning systems (GPS or equivalent) & Telematics system. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Provision of Vehicle Tracking & Telematics Systems and related products and services
Invitation to Bid
28 Oct 2020
6 Nov 2020
Global navigation and positioning systems (GPS or equivalent) , Telematics system

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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