
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Execution of work on the production of design and estimate documentation for the facilities: “Modernization of the gas supply system (replacement of gas boilers and gas metering units) in facilities located at the addresses: Lyakhovichi, Orlovskogo lane, 3 (industrial building), lane. Orlovsky, 9 (laboratory building) "with the passage of Gosstroyexpertiza

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This tender with title Execution of work on the production of design and estimate documentation for the facilities: “Modernization of the gas supply system (replacement of gas boilers and gas metering units) in facilities located at the addresses: Lyakhovichi, Orlovskogo lane, 3 (industrial building), lane. Orlovsky, 9 (laboratory building) "with the passage of Gosstroyexpertiza -- Выполнение работ по изготовлению проектно-сметной документации по объектам: «Модернизация системы газоснабжения(замена газовых котлов и узлов учета газа) в объектах, расположенных по адресам :г.Ляховичи пер.Орловского,3( производственное здание), пер. Орловского ,9 (здание лаборатории)» с прохождением Госстройэкспертизы has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 25 Oct 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Repair and maintenance services of gas meters & Boiler installation work & Documentation services & Gas supply mains construction work & Construction work for industrial buildings & Laboratory building construction work & Construction work for warehouses and industrial buildings & Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) & Construction work for commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial buildings, buildings relating to transport & Boilers & Gas meter installation work & Metering instruments. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Выполнение работ по изготовлению проектно-сметной документации по объектам: «Модернизация системы газоснабжения(замена газовых котлов и узлов учета газа) в объектах, расположенных по адресам :г.Ляховичи пер.Орловского,3( производственное здание), пер. Орловского ,9 (здание лаборатории)» с прохождением Госстройэкспертизы

General Information

Execution of work on the production of design and estimate documentation for the facilities: “Modernization of the gas supply system (replacement of gas boilers and gas metering units) in facilities located at the addresses: Lyakhovichi, Orlovskogo lane, 3 (industrial building), lane. Orlovsky, 9 (laboratory building) "with the passage of Gosstroyexpertiza
Выполнение работ по изготовлению проектно-сметной документации по объектам: «Модернизация системы газоснабжения(замена газовых котлов и узлов учета газа) в объектах, расположенных по адресам :г.Ляховичи пер.Орловского,3( производственное здание), пер. Орловского ,9 (здание лаборатории)» с прохождением Госстройэкспертизы
Invitation to Tender
25 Oct 2020
30 Oct 2020
Repair and maintenance services of gas meters , Boiler installation work , Documentation services , Gas supply mains construction work , Construction work for industrial buildings , Laboratory building construction work , Construction work for warehouses and industrial buildings , Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) , Construction work for commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial buildings, buildings relating to transport , Boilers , Gas meter installation work , Metering instruments

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