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To contract with a conveyor to transport the gas cylinders intended for the Raqqa fuel branch. "left">

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This tender with title To contract with a conveyor to transport the gas cylinders intended for the Raqqa fuel branch. "left"> -- 14494/2020 -- للتعاقد مع ناقل لنقل أسطوانات الغاز المخصصة لفرع محروقات الرقة has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Oct 2020 for the country of Syria. It has been categorized on Conveyors & Parts of conveyors & Elevators and conveyors & Gas cylinders. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

14494/2020 -- للتعاقد مع ناقل لنقل أسطوانات الغاز المخصصة لفرع محروقات الرقة

General Information

To contract with a conveyor to transport the gas cylinders intended for the Raqqa fuel branch. "left">
14494/2020 -- للتعاقد مع ناقل لنقل أسطوانات الغاز المخصصة لفرع محروقات الرقة
Invitation to Tender
19 Oct 2020
Conveyors , Parts of conveyors , Elevators and conveyors , Gas cylinders

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